1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

New Profile Posts

  1. Matt
    Anyone here play Rocket League?
  2. Pin
    Having a nice time at the Saxton Hale server! Come join us!
    1. floodling10501
      good to hear :D maybe tell a few friends of the fun you had? ;o
      Aug 2, 2015
  3. Panromir
    jesus stop trying to trigger ppl.
  4. UmbraVindex
    So how would I go about attempting to become teamspeak staff
    1. floodling10501
      Jul 27, 2015
  5. Rogi07
  6. UmbraVindex
    Been in the community 5 minutes and floodling is trying to kick me out already haha
    1. floodling10501
      not once have i tried to "kick you out"
      Jul 26, 2015
  7. floodling10501
    floodling10501 UmbraVindex
    not being funny but you haven't even been a part of lethal zone for 2 days, nevermind a month......you dont know this community and you don't use lethal zone servers
    1. UmbraVindex
      Are you saying that me not going on the game servers is a reason I shouldn't be teamspeak staff? Considering I'm always on teamspeak I don't think it'd be a bad idea
      Jul 24, 2015
    2. floodling10501
      you said admin, and you just go afk for hours on end doing nothing.... you spend your life on escape restart. end of discussion.
      Jul 24, 2015
  8. UmbraVindex
    I reckon I'd make a decent teamspeak admin - I always have teamspeak open and know my way around it. + I'm not a total cunt
  9. UmbraVindex
    I wonder how long it'll take to get to know all 3 active LZ members c:
    1. Snelvuur likes this.
    2. Snelvuur
      Not that long.. when i am not activly playing, you can have a word with me. I will see what i can do. I know that your active on teamspeak and not on the forums/servers but that indeed doesn't make you a bad candidate. We need people for all kinds of stuff.
      Jul 30, 2015
  10. lefab
  11. lefab
    EVO 2015 (most prestigious fighting tournament in the world) is LIVE. Too many stream, just go on twitch to see some really good matches.
  12. rswallen
    Wuhoo!! Steam on Android finally gets a good update
  13. Snelvuur
    wouldn't call it racist, but wouldn't call it "nice" either...
  14. Mike
    Racist or just ignorent.
    1. The_Comedian
      If it's that SS guy or w/e, who cares, just ignore him :D just some 10 yr old wanting to feel bad ass x)
      Jul 11, 2015
  15. Mike
    Checkout link and thougths??????
  16. Mike
  17. Beso|SYR|™
    intersted on this server
  18. floodling10501
    here in soviet russia, the dicks suck you
  19. Zano0
    Shame that Valve changed the name Team Fortress 2 into TF:GO
  20. †JK†