1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

New Profile Posts

  1. Flames
    Finally activated my LZ tag. :D
  2. TheRagingPolishMan
    Well looks like my admin is gone. Uhm, okay then. I wish I was consulted about this.
    1. PixelBacon
      grats on getting admin, pls no aboose naow
      Aug 29, 2015
  3. |LZ| Gentleman
    |LZ| Gentleman
    Please comment on my Steam Profile for the fastest response. Do not add me on Steam.
  4. PinkRabbit
    PinkRabbit Biber
    Hello mister Biber , sorry for intreriping you , but i have a proablem , i donate to the admin {Chride} on the server Trade_piazza_b1 and i can`t acces !ccc or other stuff , only /resizeme .. and i want more , plz help me .
  5. Chride2k8
    I got a job :D
    1. lefab, TheRagingPolishMan and Someone like this.
    2. TheRagingPolishMan
      Aug 26, 2015
    3. lefab
      Noïce !
      Aug 26, 2015
    4. Chride2k8
      Thank you! :D <3
      Aug 26, 2015
  6. TheRagingPolishMan
  7. Matt
    12 more levels until I finish the core 100 levels of Volume! Intense!
  8. TheRagingPolishMan
    The all new Rocket League mode in TF2 is out! Amazing
  9. Matt
    Can't stop playing Volume. Also the new pass gamemode is alright I guess.
  10. pussy cat
    pussy cat
    *pats Comedian* It's alright.
  11. The_Comedian
    There's never any beer... when you really want some... :(
  12. Waffle
    1. |LZ| Feesh-E likes this.
  13. Cobalt
    I like waffles, do you like waffles?
  14. nichol
    nichol Chride2k8
    I would appreciate it if you removed my name from the steamrep post, as I had nothing to do with this, and I dont want to risk my reputation on some filthy scammmer. I have already reported the scammer and placed on my profile "I AM NOT AFFILLIATED WITH SAMMY G" Hopefully you understand
  15. nichol
    nichol Chride2k8
    A few people added me thismorning, I accepted, asked what they wanted. Two of which were offline so I removed. One is online, I spoke to him about the situation, unaware of what happened. I realised what I have stated above, that he is using my rep to attempt to scam people... (doing this in chunks of less than 420 words btw)
  16. nichol
    nichol Chride2k8
    yesterday he added me asking if i quote "if i need can u tell a guy im relyable if he asks", I obviously said no as I don't know him. He then apparently this morning or something added some people, and scammed them with my reputation....
  17. nichol
    nichol Chride2k8
  18. Matt
    Rocket league is addicting...
  19. PixelBacon
    WiFi card is actually working. Thank goodness I got IRL friends how know how PCs work on the inside...
  20. Panromir
    Yeah I got it on PS4 :D