1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

New Profile Posts

  1. MrDutchie
    Hi Mike, thats been a while. Hows life?
  2. Mike
    Hi all :) realy miss this place:)
  3. DoubleHusky
    Preparing for trade....
  4. Snelvuur
    @MetalSenpai sadly tf2 is dying hard, really hard after the last change where you have to wait 10 hours to go play.
  5. Deliverice
    Deliverice Enstage
    How do remove the yellow tag? I did not know that it is forbidden by your rules (rep swapped) if I remove comments that help?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Deliverice
      I do not quite understand you, can you give link or where this section???
      Jul 18, 2016
    3. Enstage
    4. Deliverice
      Tnx and tell me pls, what section I choose in my situation (swap rep / farming rep) **Plea:, Reason:, Repayment:, Previous Appeal:**
      Jul 18, 2016
  6. Enstage
    Updating my status. The forum told me to.
  7. Nixxy
  8. The_Comedian
    It's been a while, how's everyone doin'?
    1. Cloud and MetalSenpai like this.
  9. MetalSenpai
    I got back on the Saxton Hale server... gone from rank 36 to 19... wut? Also where is everyone? xD
  10. rswallen
    Goodbye Brussels. You won't be missed.
    1. Cobalt
      Not a fan of the EU I take it?
      Jul 2, 2016
    2. rswallen
      Some things I like (free trade, free travel), some things I hate (political oversight, the Euro).
      Jul 2, 2016
  11. TheChoba
  12. Jamster
  13. I'm rusken
    I'm rusken
    5am, not premitted to do anything on the Minecraft server, FeelsBadMan. :c
  14. ftw6869
    ftw6869 Biber
    Biber, i need to talk to you, i did something i didn't know that is prohibited, and i will do everything is needed to clear my rep. :)
    1. Enstage
  15. n33dweed
  16. Matt
    Overwatch Weekly Brawl -> First time playing Bastion and I get POTG...
  17. 6IX
    6IX |LZ| Gentleman
    This online warfare has just begun. expectus
  18. 6IX
    6IX |LZ| Gentleman
    oh and btw, its not over.
  19. antou(fr)
  20. therandomdude69
    Don't add me. Don't write on my profile.
    1. schmed likes this.