1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

New Profile Posts

  1. Tom Reeves
    Tom Reeves
    Audition tomorrow. [sarcasm] So Excited [/sarcasm]
  2. BlackBurn
    BlackBurn Chride2k8
    what is this site?
  3. GhostalaÜ
    Scammers use the Internet to find new victims! We need to fight back using the Internet to educate and help everyone NOT become victims.
    1. NuMetaller likes this.
  4. |LZ| Gentleman
    |LZ| Gentleman
    Do not add me on Steam. Please message my forum account.
  5. NuMetaller
    NuMetaller MetalSenpai
    Happy Birthday \m/>.<\m/
    1. MetalSenpai likes this.
    2. MetalSenpai
      Oct 28, 2015
  6. l4w
    l4w |LZ| Gentleman
    Hey man, I'm on Steamrep trying to figure out how everything works and replying to many threads the last hour! You have any tipps or suggestions what I can do?
  7. MetalSenpai
    Happy bday to me.
    1. Someone likes this.
  8. l4w
    l4w |LZ| Gentleman
    Yo man may I hear your opinion about my recent Admin application?

  9. MetalSenpai
    Another year for me will pass tomorrow.
  10. l4w
    l4w Biber
    Hey bud, I posted my application as an Admin I would love to hear your opinion about it!

    Best regards
  11. GodLucifer
    GodLucifer Moxxi
    fatboi lol
  12. GodLucifer
    GodLucifer Moxxi
  13. TheGOD
    TheGOD Panromir
    Write me in pm, please.
  14. Tom Reeves
    Tom Reeves
    If only there was a way to ban people from the internet entirely. There'd be less idiots.
    1. GodLucifer
      welcome to the internet until your "dreams" come "true"
      Oct 21, 2015
  15. Waffle
    Soooo, what's up with the anger in the Payday Community these days?
    1. PixelBacon
      I don't play PD2, but what I heard is that they added microtransactions to the game in the shape of safes (which you find) and drills to open them (which you need to buy). It's basically like crates in TF2 or CSGO, but the skins you get from those safes actually have stats on them, making the game pay to win.
      Oct 17, 2015
    2. Waffle
      Damn, that's tough =/ And this comes out of nowhere? I remember an old article with the PD2 devs claiming they'll never ever add microtransactions. And now this, too bad.
      Oct 18, 2015
  16. Matt
    Hoping to get some more tea today #pigtea
    1. Tom Reeves
      Tom Reeves
      Getting chased by Matt's angry kittens
      Oct 16, 2015
  17. carnage95
    carnage95 Biber
    Hello dude , sorry for being mad , i would like to talk with you on steam , please add me so we can discuss more easy. Thank you
  18. Enstage
    Much status.
  19. Yolbe
    If I hit myself, am I strong or weak? #JadenSmith
    1. PixelBacon
      If we exhale more than inhale we feed the plants. This will end world hunger. #JadenSmith
      Oct 13, 2015
  20. Brad
    Thanks for the help in bringing a scammer down. This website and the people on it are great, and I will try to help others like I was helped
    1. Chride2k8 likes this.