Separate names with a comma.
What? I was banned Mar 18, two days ago. He must be confusing me with someone else? I have never spoken with him. I was never on the Steam group...
Justified how? I can understand making a mistake based on a quick look, but my account is demonstrably not bought nor an alt. What statistics, and...
I'm trying. Thanks for the advice. It's difficult since I can't post to the group and it's easy for people to ignore stuff like profile comments.
I was mistakenly banned from the CSGO REP! Steam group. Could you possibly tell me where to appeal or just discuss it with me? Thanks.
I messaged a couple of the mods on Steam, including the one who banned me, and they ignored me. Not unexpected, I guess. This forum shares some...
| steamname: cdr | steam3ID: [U:1:33027490] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:16513745 | steamID64: |...
I meant I created a thread for myself under "individual reputation threads". Pretty sure that's what you're supposed to do. Thanks for the link.
I have no idea WTF just happened. Is there some way I can appeal the ban? I just started buying/selling keys and that was a rather rude welcome.