1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

Comments on Profile Post by sworda

  1. Enstage
    Jun 5, 2016
  2. sworda
    and what is it could u tell me so give me proves that i am farming reputation okay? becouse i never farming rep becouse i dont do trades and other transactions so help me and removed this fake report or give me proves but rly proves :)
    Jun 5, 2016
  3. Enstage
    Just make an appeal, and we can sort it out. Its that simple.
    Jun 5, 2016
  4. sworda
    Jun 5, 2016