Separate names with a comma.
Hello @Psy0ch , You already submitted the same report at SteamRep, please stop spamming the same report/case to every other SteamRep partner...
Hello @zahid84 , Accused just got tagged/banned by FoG on SteamRep, I also deleted that thread you reported. Thank you for the report...
Hello @Tyson , Thank you for your report! A full Banned Tag will be applied to the accused ( 76561198342608818 ) for impersonation with intent...
Hello @HAROLD JENKINS , Impersonated user: | steamname: Iron Tax God | steam3ID: [U:1:351079499] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:175539749 |...
Hello @balde$#C , Please read this how to properly submit a scam report with the correct format:...
Hello @Nichoals , You already reported the same case at SteamRep, please check back at SteamRep so you can provide the requested evidence and...
Hello @Nichoals , This is not a report section, and I see that you are spamming the same report everywhere you can at LZ-T. Please stop spamming...
Hello @✯Zack™✯ , The impersonation is there but the clear intent to defraud is not. Marking as Invalid.
@pokmahpok , You already reported the accused at SteamRep and he got banned for the same offense/case as this report, please don't spam the same...
It's not, try again.
Hello @pokmahpok , Please attach your Steam account to your Lethal Zone Trade account so I can continue to process the report, thanks! Follow...
Hello @Tyson , Reports involving cd keys, game keys, pin codes and gift card codes are impossible to verify that they are/were legitimate and...
You did it wrong, please follow the link from Enstage's reply above.
Related (private for staff only):
Hello @Get Baptized , Please link your Steam account to your Lethal Zone Trade forum account, thanks!
Please be patient until the appeals admin continues to process your appeal. Related (private for staff only):...
Hello @Tyson , All I can see is that you attempted to buy a Steam account from the accused, beside that we are not investigating any account...
A full Banned Tag will be applied to the accused ( 76561198086411358 ) for impersonation with intent to defraud. Thanks for reporting fraud to...
Hello @Tyson , Thank you for the report! Adding additional evidence as screenshots and archive links: Archives: 1) 2)...