Separate names with a comma.
Please stop posting in this report, this is not a discussion thread. @OnLy.- 2 , You are trying to "appeal" but you didn't even get tagged on...
Thank you for the report! Ready for Review: Farming fake reputation.
Hello @Connor181 , To continue with this report I need the following: Uncropped screenshot from the Steam client where the accused is requesting...
Hello @Connor181 , Please attach your Steam account to your Lethal Zone forum account, thanks!
It's a private section for staff only, you don't need to worry about that.
Related (private):
Hello @DevRo , First of all CSGORep is not affiliated with Lethal Zone in any way, yeah there is a pinned thread in the "Submitted Reports"...
@riknad0 , Yes, I can see that there is some sort of a blackmail from the accused. The accused has been banned from CSGORep permanently. Thank...
Please provide uncropped screenshots of your Inventory History from the Steam client one day before the scam took place until the present. To be...
Hello @riknad0 , To continue with this report I need the following: Uncropped screenshot of your Inventory History from the Steam client one day...
Open every imgur image from the album gallery in a new tab and download them separately, then upload all the remaining screenshots in a reply to...
Hello @riknad0 , Please upload all your screenshots via "Upload a File" button in a reply to this report, and please attach your Steam account to...
Accused: | steamname: RIP HARAMBE :( | steam3ID: [U:1:99878510] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49939255 | steamID64:...
Accused: | steamname: Double Dem #BUYING | steam3ID: [U:1:257577409] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:128788704 | steamID64:...
Accused: | steamname: Nhiyla* #Buying Keys/Items pP | steam3ID: [U:1:296818929] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:148409464 | steamID64:...
Accused: | steamname: husoo_stylo | steam3ID: [U:1:15500047] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:7750023 | steamID64:...
Accused: | steamname: Benjamin | steam3ID: [U:1:9163378] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:4581689 | steamID64:...
Thank you for the report! Ready for Review: CS:GO Pin Scam.
@Lag i Luk , Enable the URL bar in your Steam client's settings tab, then go to your Inventory History and take the screenshot in fullscreen one...