Separate names with a comma.
You'll need to reupload your images.
Pending for fake rep farming.
We have evidence that you are a confirmed alt. Sorry, nice try. Stop spamming or we'll have to do bad things to your forum account.
Thanks for your application! It is now under review. I would like to publicly note that I work under schmed for Alias Server Network. I will not...
Lethal Zone has no affiliation to Valve Corp. or their Steam Community.
LZ is always looking for qualified users to help middleman trades. Anyone with a solid reputation and a desire to help their fellow traders is...
Refunding victims is a mandatory part of an appeal. It doesn't get you unbanned by itself.
Stop replying to this appeal unless you have something substantial to add.
Closing report. Not enough evidence here. Accused already marked for impersonator Etherfast, a partner community admin and middleman, and another...
Appeal denied. Feel free to appeal again in 202 days for reconsideration.
You are responsible for the security of your account. Appeal status altered. You were banned for this:...
Nevermind, his friend lost the chat. Marked as pending tag.
Waiting on screenshot of chat.
Report is being processed by me via SR and LZ. Do not archive @ mods.
Hiya, I can't make the final decision on this one. @Chride2k8
He's not handling it alone - he just checks forums every day whereas I do so every 48h. Hopefully @Chride2k8 can respond to your application soon. <3
Archived at request.
Pending Tag: Caution for farming fake cashrep.