Separate names with a comma.
Didn't read your case up. Don't care, not on my plate. But you do seem have some misconceptions regarding the appeal process. Victim wishes...
Snelvuur (owner) and Pixelbacon don't handle trade issues. Hence he called on @Chride2k8 to get his attention here, for he's the Trade Admin...
ID block of OP: | steamname: FiggyS | steam3ID: [U:1:246535436] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:123267718 | steamID64:...
One of Lethal zone's strong rules is of no foul language/racism/etc to be allowed. The nickname is in my opinion not in line with that. But as I...
I think your nickname isn't compatible with LZ. Which tells me that you don't know this community very well. But thats for LZ to decide upon. I'm...
I don't think you understand, only AFTER repayment, the appeal can proceed. Him selling items is fine, but till you see your repayment on YOUR...
This is bullshit, almost all related accounts have reports, Valve trade bans, etc. And there is no way to "distinguish" this account from the...
The ban was not due IP matching. It was found that those accounts all used the same specific computer. I find it unlikely that you/your husband or...
Explain of EACH below, what your relation is with that account: | steamname: Russian Killer** | steam3ID: [U:1:145571729] | steamID32:...
That doesn't match with what we see.
Several banks are looking into / or supporting it nowadays.. forgot which, but it where some pretty big ones in the States etc. The problem is...
That's absolutely not what I was saying.... I'll light it up for yah: Bitcoin (BTC) CANNOT be chargebacked... for there is no overseeing body,...
someone doesn't know what bitcoin is....
You might want to look at this topic: Point #7. And revise your story.... I've seen the...
notes like that are in PP's view "for the reciever" not any meaningfull to them....
- He gets money back if its not chargebacked... and isn't really in any "position" to fight those either.... - In the next 6 months he gets back...
Does help if you look thru the admins: | steamname: Mad-Matt | steam3ID: [U:1:14927832] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:7463916 | steamID64:...
Not exactly. By confirming that he has been accessing that account, he showed he had permission to use / ownership of that account (there was no...
You already said you had or even currently have access to that account. Even if you don't anymore, there is no way to ascertain you won't regain...
- Hide IP with VPN advert will show anyhow, they want to sell it. Not that its helping anybody really. Having a VPN only get people associated...