Separate names with a comma.
Hi! Want a bud for my Orbiting planets Frenchman's beret :) Add me if interested.
Thanks dude, cheered me up today. And I thought IKEA was trustworthy :(
Re: Phishers and their links - post account details & link h Found another one: | steamname: Jessy | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:94518848 | steamID64:...
Wow, two Phishers in one day. Well, the more we get, the more we can shut down. :roll: Attempted Phisher: | steamname: Jessy | steamID32:...
Re: Phishers and their links - post account details & link h | steamname: [unassigned] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:20139780 | steamID64: <a...
Attempted Phisher: | steamname: [unassigned] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:20139780 | steamID64: <a class="postlink"...
Can we have a translation :3
Nice wording there :)
Oh, I thought he was talking about my language :?
Question: If he tried to scam you, how the fuck is he classed as a middleman and a safe trader?!?
Didn't see that message as again, the page came up as a 404.
Got the games republic one, but the PC gamer one just says that the page doesn't exist :/ Am I too late?
Like this?
Don't know how... (You guys forget that I ain't as skilled as y'all)
Here is my screenshots of trade (And agreement) EDIT: Realised I messed up, there is only 1 screenshot. Sorry 'bout that.
Hi guys! Just wondering, Are you getting close to your decision yet? I'm kinda anxious :3
Re: Phishers and their links - post account details & link h Can't remember the guy's name, but the link I got was: <a class="postlink"...
My name has recently donned the |LZ| Tag, will my name change here too?
Can I please have arma 2?
NOTE: Changed Steam name to '|LZ| Tom Reeves'