1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

Need some opinions on this

Discussion in 'Trade Chat' started by JaptorResus, Jan 27, 2013.

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  1. JaptorResus

    JaptorResus Registered

    Feb 1, 2011
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    So I recently I was playing on the VSH#1 server when suddenly this happened in the chat:


    This is sharking, but I am not sure on how to deal with this, so I need your opinions :(
    He was really happy about the trade and started boasting around in the chat (you can see him writing "lol" in the chat, more in his logs)
    I've been told by the sharker that the owner apparently didn't have anything against it, he just wanted these items.
    (also by one of our community members it seems)
    Ban? If yes how long? Would be best if some of our trade admins come along this topic.

    Status in chat:

    2013-01-25 14:17:52 he said. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:17:50 scammed he. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:17:49 i dont. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:17:43 man. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:17:41 nope. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:17:22 not worth it?. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:17:16 but worth it. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:17:11 not the best. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:17:07 Smoking. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:54 RAAAAAAAAAAAWR. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:53 BADASS. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:52 I AM. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:49 !!. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:48 i am badass. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:45 omg. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:43 im trade with a noob. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:41 :D. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:37 best trade. [EU] Lethal-Zone.eu TF2 VS SAXTON HALE #1 arena_warehouse
    2013-01-25 14:16:36 lol.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    For me this is sharking, because probably the victim didn't know how valuable an unusual could be. So I will check it out.

    The unusual is 1.1 - 1.4 buds worth and the stranges are not even 5 keys worth!
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    hmm... isn't that just plain stupidity right there???

    how is that scamming :D if he doesn't know the worth of an item then he shouldn't trade now would he?

    or do you send a kid that can't count to a store and say the the store managers are thieves because the kid payed way to much?

    sorry imo the guy selling the unusual is wrong here and the other dude got lucky
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So we let those things just happen in our community? This is also stupid of that guy, but I'm here too prevent such things and I will prevent sharking aswell. It's really not done and that dude is very happy and he knew that he was lowballing the other guy...

    And don't come with ridiculous reasons, please...

    PS: I will see if I can speak with the "victim". If the "victim" is happy with his trade, I will take no action...
  5. JaptorResus

    JaptorResus Registered

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Thanks Jig for taking care of this.

    It's not scamming, this is called sharking. Which means the other person doesn't know the value of his item and the sharker abuses that. He was not aware of the value and could have gotten a much better deal for that.
    I don't think we should let this happen on the servers, too.
  6. Killvion

    Killvion Registered

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Even though this "sharking" thing shouldn't happen within the community, I would find it very harsh if we'd perm ban for it, which right now the only way we deal with scammers.

    If the "victim" isn't happy, what were you planning on doing Jigsaw?

    And on a side note: Ignorance is bliss. This "victim"now thinks he made a good deal and is happy with the stranges he's got. It's not until we tell him how stupid he was, that he'll feel bad. Should we even tell him and make him unhappy because of it?
  7. DHL-Todespaket

    DHL-Todespaket Registered

    Jan 18, 2013
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    I don't really know how to react to that, since I have no admin experience at all, but i might still tell you my general opinion on sharking ;)
    So as long as the "victim" knows about the value-difference in the trade, and is fine with it, there is no problem for me.
    But as soon as you try to fool someone and tell him he makes a good trade, while you know that you are making alot of profit it's sharking in a bad way and I would appreciate not to have people who actively do that in my community ;)
    Also the afterwards reaction of the sharker in this case tells me enough about which kind of sharking this was. Blaming the other person as a "noob trader" etc. and bragging about the shark is bad enough for me to ask for a punishment ;)
    Might not work out in the end, but that is just my opinion :)
  8. DataStorm

    DataStorm Registered

    Jan 5, 2010
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    SteamRep doesn't deal with Sharking for various reasons... the most important being: where do you draw the line?

    Traded less then 50 % ? traded less then 60% or 70% etc.

    are they detested? yes, and there several comm's that perm ban those too, like AF2 etc.

    What LZ wants with those, is all up to them.
  9. Chride2k8

    Chride2k8 Not so custom title

    Apr 10, 2012
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    That's true and you have a point even tho personally I think that it gives a really bad image about the community when no one does anything about sharkers. I think that they should be removed even tho the should be given one chance as in talking with both parts and then see what they think...
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Today I added the victim and asked why he did this trade, but I got no response at all from him. So for now I will take no action, but we will keep an eye on this sharker.
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