After that he remembered the password: 22:26 - WhizzUK is now Online. 22:26 - WhizzUK: I remembered the password 22:30 - DataStorm: nothing beats pressure 22:34 - WhizzUK: aint that the truth -=]]]
Was a pro ks with a good effect and pretty good strange parts attached, but still... I'm not a sucker for signed stuff.
I wonder what's going on in those kind of peoples mind... It's a regular strange flamethrower without a killstreak or something.
no, he's sharking with a worthless strange flamethrower vs Australium items. in the hope its been mistakenly accepted for all 4
Was selling an insulated inventor for 2,66 refined on outpost. This brazilian gentleman added me and... gave me 3 refined.
donderdag 9 april 2015 3:00 - Vintage Cobra: 3:00 - Vintage Cobra: gg 3:09 - DataStorm: thats ... 2 months ago 3:09 - DataStorm: you know whom? 3:09 - Vintage Cobra: yup 3:09 - Vintage Cobra: talking to him 3:10 - Vintage Cobra: he probably got chargebacked 3:10 - DataStorm: ah, and you got the chargeback forwarded 3:10 - Vintage Cobra: he didn't want to sell his shit to me for like $100 less 3:10 - Vintage Cobra: he rather took the risk 3:10 - Vintage Cobra: and here we are 3:11 - Vintage Cobra: a drink from the sweet cup of Toldyaso 3:14 - DataStorm: give 'm this: 3:15 - DataStorm: tell 'm the guy on front is the scammer 3:15 - DataStorm: and the guy "receiving" is him 3:15 - DataStorm: and that you are one of the two holding 'm 3:15 - DataStorm: lol 3:15 - DataStorm: I'm the guy on the top left
An 11 key hat + some craft hats for my 40 keys hat And he said I am scamming him because my hat is way lower than his offer :'D I'm still laughing